Saturday, 25 December 2010


It's a big word. Hearing the word stress is already make ourselves become stress. What if we are in stress?? in our day life, obviously we want to be happy. We will try our best to avoid from being attacked by stress but do we realize that avoiding is actually can make us become more stress? Because the best remedy to cure stress is by managing stress.

What is Stress??

As define by the dictionary, stress is when a person is inmental, emotional or phsyical strain or tension. It is a situation whereby something that go around in your mind and you need a solution into it but you couldn't find it. At the same time, there are other things that border your mind where emotionally, it mess up your mind.

Big Deal of Stress

Stress, theoretically won't harm anyone physically, but the effect of stress actually can damage one's physical. At high level of stress, can make someone become unsoundmind where it can make the system of brain become dysfunctional. Chronic stress decreases ones resistance to disease and is generally bad for you.

Example of Stress

Stress can be occurs in any envroment. The main factors of stress that we could see now is the shift in surroundings from home ( Spouse relationship, family relationship, neighborhood, cost of living) to work (dis-understanding boss, working enviroment) , or changes in a life cycles. Great examples of stress are: the death of a loved one, moving to a new city, quitting an addiction, making a new friend. As you can see, not all stressors are bad, but they can still instill the same negative response in the human body if they are not properly assessed and dealt with on a conscious level and/or one is not prepared for them.

Managing Stress

How can one mitigate the risk of stress and retain complete functionality? The most effective way is by taking a good rest of yourselves. For those who work, take a leave and go for holiday. But please make wise decision when choosing place for holiday. Choose an island if you need a calm situation. It's really hellp you mitigating your stress.

Secondly, you have to treat and rewards yourselves. Sometimes, you have to put some portion to fulfill your want.

Thirdly, Self-Talk. Do talk to yourselves about things in your mind. Don't keep it in your mind which might explode your brain.

Fourthly, go for therapy or massage. A therapy such as, Ayurveda, aromatherapy, music therapy actually can help yourselves to be more cool which might help you to fully utilized your brain to overcome your problems.

Actually, there a lot of other things that you could do to manage your stress. Here i would like to share with you some articles and books which might help you if you need further reference.

Managing Stress: A Creative Journal By Seaward, Brian Luke Seaward

Managing Stress by Ann Edworthy

Managing stress by studygs


Friday, 26 November 2010


Today i wanna share with you about HERNIA. Sounds like an epic movie 'the chronicles of narnia' but the factors and the consequences is absolutely different which if we take it for granted, dead will be the causes. It is usually affect child with age of 0-12 years.

What is Hernia?

Also know as rupture, it is a Protusion of an organ or tissues through an opening in its surrounding walls, especially in abdominal region. It occurs when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the area where they are normally contained. These contents, usually portions of intestine or abdominal fatty tissue, are enclosed in the thin membrane that naturally lines the inside of the cavity.

Type of Hernia
Inguinal Hernia

In males, about two months before birth, the testicles descend into the scrotum, passing through a gap in the groin, followed by the spermatic tubes, which later will convey sperm from the testicles to the penis. The gap is normally tightly closed and tensed, just relaxing enough to allow sperm to squeeze through but otherwise fitting pretty snugly together.

An inguinal hernia occurs when the gap weakens, usually from within. This can be caused by a number of superficial factors such as lifting a heavy weight or pulling something or overexerting oneself in sport. But that’s just the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The actual strain is something that develops over a prolonged period. If you read this before you develop an inguinal hernia then you can take steps to prevent it ever happening. If you have an inguinal hernia, knowing what it is can be the first step towards curing it.

The gap is called the 'inguinal canal.' It is 4 cm or about an inch and a half long. Sperm from the testicles passes up and through this gap and into the urethral canal where it is bulked up with extra fluids to help it swim more strongly. As the sperm passes through, the gap momentarily relaxes by a few mm of width, enough to let it pass, then closes tightly again. The outer ring that the sperm pass through is smaller than the internal ring. There are three layers of muscle holding this gap shut, like tightened sheets, ensuring that the gap stays shut when sperm isn’t passing through. These muscles stretch right across the abdomen. Like tent ropes, they are anchored on the ribs and the hips. Their lower end is the inguinal ligament, a strong band that stretches from the hip to the crotch and holds the ends of the muscles down.

Coughing or lifting can strain the gap; the inguinal canal opens a bit and the peritoneum, or intestines, press through. This is the bulge of an inguinal hernia. The inside of the inguinal canal is called the deep inguinal ring and the outer part is called the superficial inguinal ring. When the deep inguinal ring is weakened it allows the intestines to bulge through and this eventually finds its way through the superficial inguinal ring, which cuts through the triple wall of the 3 abdominal muscles mentioned above. These are attached to the conjoint tendon. The deep inguinal ring opens through the transversalis fascia and is attached to the inguinal ligament.

Indirect inguinal hernia:

An indirect hernia follows the pathway that the testicles made during fetal development, descending from the abdomen into the scrotum. This pathway normally closes before birth but may remain a possible site for a hernia in later life. Sometimes the hernia sac may protrude into the scrotum. An indirect inguinal hernia may occur at any age.

Direct inguinal hernia:

The direct inguinal hernia occurs slightly to the inside of the site of the indirect hernia, in an area where the abdominal wall is naturally slightly thinner. It rarely will protrude into the scrotum. Unlike the indirect hernia, which can occur at any age, the direct hernia tends to occur in the middle-aged and elderly because their abdominal walls weaken as they age.

Femoral hernia:

The femoral canal is the path through which the femoral artery, vein, and nerve leave the abdominal cavity to enter the thigh. Although normally a tight space, sometimes it becomes large enough to allow abdominal contents (usually intestine) to protrude into the canal. A femoral hernia causes a bulge just below the inguinal crease in roughly the mid-thigh area. Usually occurring in women, femoral hernias are particularly at risk of becoming irreducible (not able to be pushed back into place) and strangulated. Not all hernias that are irreducible are strangulated (have their blood supply cut off ), but all hernias that are irreducible need to be evaluated by a health-care provider.

Umbilical hernia:

These common hernias (10%-30%) are often noted at birth as a protrusion at the bellybutton (the umbilicus). This is caused when an opening in the abdominal wall, which normally closes before birth, doesn't close completely. If small (less than half an inch), this type of hernia usually closes gradually by age 2. Larger hernias and those that do not close by themselves usually require surgery at age 2-4 years. Even if the area is closed at birth, umbilical hernias can appear later in life because this spot may remain a weaker place in the abdominal wall. Umbilical hernias can appear later in life or in women who are pregnant or who have given birth (due to the added stress on the area).

Incisional hernia:

Abdominal surgery causes a flaw in the abdominal wall. This flaw can create an area of weakness in which a hernia may develop. This occurs after 2%-10% of all abdominal surgeries, although some people are more at risk. Even after surgical repair, incisional hernias may return.

These are some of the types of Hernia. There are few others but these types a re mostly occurs.

Hernia Causes

There might be hundread of reason why hernia caused but these are some of the main factors.

Usually, there is no obvious cause of a hernia. Sometimes hernias occur with heavy lifting. Hernias may be present at birth, but the bulging may not be noticeable until later in life. Some patients may have a family history of hernias.

Hernias can be seen in infants and children. This can happen when the lining around the abdominal organs does not close properly before birth. About 5 out of 100 children have inguinal hernias (more boys than girls). Some children may not have symptoms until they are adults. There also some other factors that may causes hernia such as Obesity, Heavy lifting, coughing, etc.

And now i would like to share with you an article by Charles Kassotis that explained more about hernia. You may click on the name to read the articles. There are also some of the useful web that you may read that further explained about hernia like

reference :

Thursday, 25 November 2010


If you have any inquiries, please ask your question in comment box or just leave an email to Thanks

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Health Care - Career Seminars

I would like to cordially invite you to “Health Care Career Seminar.” This event is for career-seeking individuals to hear from graduate students and well-established professionals in the health care sector. It will give individuals the opportunity to explore and enrich their knowledge on different academic programs and professions in health care.

Event Details:
Date: Saturday, March 13th, 2010
Time: 11:00am – 3:00pm
Location: Scarborough Civic Centre
150 Borough Drive
North-west corner of McCowan Road and Ellesmere Road
Toronto, ON M1P 4N7
The objective of this event is to offer:
  • Pre-employment and occupational information directed toward    preparing graduates for immediate entry into the workforce.
  • Information on various health disciplines amongst a variety of colleges, technical institutes and universities.
  • Skills and knowledge to prepare individuals for further study or entry into the workforce related to health care
  • Opportunity to network with health care professionals and current graduate students in the following health sectors:
  1. Medicine, Optometry, Dentistry
  2. Alternative Medicine
  3. Pharmacy
  4. Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy
  5. Health Policy & Administration
  6. Applied Health Sciences
  7. Research (Masters & PhD), Biotechnology
you are encouraged to invite family and friends to this FREE event. Feel free to forward this poster to individuals who would benefit from this event.
For all those who are interested, please RSVP at or call 647-547-5656.
For more information, please contact us via email at  Thank you.